The business model of the Navigator Company (NVG) is based on sustainable and certified management of forests, reconciling environmental, social and economic concerns.
In 2016, approximately 70% of NVG’s total primary energy consumption was obtained from renewable sources. The measures adopted have reduced the company’s energy dependency.
The same year, the company announced a medium-term Energy Efficiency Corporative Programme, based on seven strategic vectors: Energy Management System (ISO 50001), renewable energy, energy efficiency for lighting, behaviour changes, industrial processes, electric mobility and energy management information systems. NVG’s long-term objective is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and energy consumption in the production of pulp and paper.
As part of its corporate energy programme, NVG decided to invest in a solar photovoltaic power plant, further decarbonising the economy. This solar plant covers 13,000 square metres, on the roof of the paper plant in Setúbal, and supplies some of the electricity needed to power the 500,000 t/y mill. The facility began operations in June 2016.
Giulia Fadini